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Co-design and co-production.


The Out in the CALD Harmony Grant was developed as part of a larger initiative across Victoria to promote increased dialogue, shared understandings, and the development of culturally safe and inclusive practices among health and wellbeing providers working with multicultural, faith-based, and LGBTIQ communities.


This grant afforded a unique collaboration between LGBTIQ policy and resource unit GLHV and service development and capacity building organization VTMH; enabling access to a variety of skills and knowledge in practice.

We were asked to consult at the very beginning of this 18-month project. Our first task was to sit in on three forums coordinated by our client.

Our objective was to observe conversations held within three demographics: service providers; faith and community leaders; and lived experiences from individuals and communities identifying as Queer Transgender Intersex People of Colour (QTIPOC) and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD).

The aim was to assess what resources would best serve the initiative, how faith and spirituality were being represented within the LGBTIQ sector, and what information needed to be conveyed to our audience (service providers) and the community as a whole.

Armed with research on the theory of intersectionality; an analytic framework that addresses how interlocking systems of power impact those who are most marginalized in society; we used a co-design process with VTMH to determine a written and visual tone of voice, e-learning pathway, UX/UI roadmap, and engagement strategy.

Our task was then to package this online resource and present it to market. That included developing an engaging product name and URL, brand and visual identity, online learning platform, and supported marketing collateral.



Research & Analysis
Name/URL Development
Brand Identity
Tag Line
Image Library
Information Architecture
UX/UI Roadmapping

Responsive e-Learning Platform
WordPress CMS Training
Brochure & Postcard Design

Client Managed EDM Template

Social Media Graphics
Email Signatures

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