Disrupting disadvantage.
Melbourne City Mission
This is probably one of the most important projects I have worked on recently, considering its impact on an organisation, its staff, and the lives of those who access its services. The knowledge I’ve gained has not only expanded my abilities as a graphic designer, but also improved my perspective as a person.
The MCM Healing Oriented Framework was born from a desire to respond comprehensively to the experiences of trauma, traumatic stress, and adverse life events in the lives of individuals, families, and communities. With a vision to support the ongoing development of a trauma-informed healing-oriented practice by MCM staff across all services and programs.
MCM’s General Manager of Homelessness, Justice & Family Services, supported by the CEO and the MCM Executive Board, sponsored the project. A team was assembled, including a Project Manager, an Aboriginal Cultural Advisor, an Advisory, Implementation and Embedding Group, a Healing Oriented Care, Mental Health and Wellbeing Consultant, and me. My main involvement was to support the Consultant, who was driving the trauma-informed framework and content, and often had to present to major stakeholders.
My first assignment was to provide two at-a-glance diagrams that conveyed a Healing Oriented Framework (external facing) and Healing Oriented Pathway (internal facing).
These graphics would guide MCM in developing skills, structures, and processes to address the continuing impacts of trauma in accordance with contemporary research and practice. What a topic! By exploring, listening, and asking the right questions, I am able to translate complex thoughts, concepts, and research into clear, descriptive visuals.
A 90-page guide was also produced to introduce the foundational theory behind the framework and pathway, as well as educating the reader on how to implement the program. Within this tabulated guide were many other charts, infographics, and diagrams, all expertly designed by me to be engaging and easy to understand.
All design work adhered to an existing Melbourne City Mission style guide.
I’m so honoured to have been part of such an important advocacy piece for industry reframe and systemic change.
Framework & Pathway Graphics
Infographic Creation
UX Consultation
Collateral & Report Layout
Long Format Artwork
Print Production
Digital Asset Management
Digital Screensaver